LD Day 3 & I've been defunked!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Lacey has picked me to be featured in her weekly de-funking!! Every Friday Lacey picks two fellow bloggers and she "de-funks" them. I was the chosen one this week!-well, one of the chosen two! It is fascinating to me that just by reading someone's blog and looking at the few pics that are posted that you can really get a sense of who they are! Well, Lacey hit the nail on the head! All of the clothes she picked out I could so see myself wearing. I do not have any of this in my wardrobe......yet! Please go check it out and see what a fabulous job Lacey did to de-funk my style!
FYI-Lacey and I have never met even though we only live 20minutes from each other-(we will have to fix that soon). Her fashion sense is unbelievable and is usually out and about in a dress. She sews really cute stuff for the babies in your life and is featured in several boutiques and shops in the area! Oh and one more thing....she is dating a NOPD cop! She not only is helping boost the economy she is comforting and loving someone who is committed to serving and protecting The Big Easy! Ps-She is an AH-MAZING Aunt to Monkey Man, Doll Face and Squishy.
Thank you Lacey!
Here is the outfit, but go vist her and read all the comments she made!>
Day 3: Love is not selfish-
"Whatever you put your time, energy, and money into will become important to you. It's hard to care for something you are not investing in. Along with restraining from negative comments, buy your spouse something that says, 'I was thinking of you today.'"
"What did you choose to give to your spouse? What happened when you gave it?
No. 1 I am grateful that Hubby keeps his comments to a minimum when I force him to watch my crap t.v. (Real Housewives, How to Become a Supermodel, Grey's Anatomy, etc.)
No. 2 I am grateful that I have not caught the Swine Flu.
No. 3 I am grateful that I am making some wonderful "friends" via the blog-o-sphere!
Oh, you are so sweet :) I tried to pick shops that I know are in your area incase you really wanted to go get the stuff! That was quite a luxury knowing what's in your area! Yes, we do have to fix that! We could even have a playdate with Monkey Man and Tay oneday! Monkey Man lives in Abita, so I could swing by and pick him up :)
Oh & boy & I may try the love dare too! I haven't even tried to make him watch the movie... I don't think he could handle the bad acting, it even made me cringe a little! I think he could handle the book or blogs though!
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