Mommy guilt!

 Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Apparently every mom gets it, you can get rid of it for a while, but you will always have re-occurring outbreaks, and you will have it for the rest of your life! (It sounds like a bad rash) I sent Tay to "school" feeling a little under the weather today and now I feel guilty. I feel guilty because I feel like I should be the one taking care of her, I should sacrifice my time at work to make sure she is okay, I should sit and cuddle with her and hold her when she is feeling crappy. Isn't that what being a mom is all about?! I am sitting here at work worrying about what she is doing. I am worrying about whether she is having fun with her friends, if she is being whiny, if her nose is running (YES-don't have to worry about that one), if she is being clingy to her teachers, if she misses her mama, etc, etc, etc, I seriously could go on all day! I don't know how I am going to be able to get anything done today!

When stuff like this happens it makes me feel very lucky that I have, a husband, both sets of g'parents (within 45 minutes of us), all of our siblings (within 1 hour of us), as well as other cousins (throughout the area), who could help us if we ever got stuck in a very tight situation. Even if I am not always willing to ask for or receive said help! I get really weird and feel like I should be able to handle it all on my own. I rationalize that if other people can do it all by themselves EVERYDAY then I should be able to handle my own life without help. Effing retarded I know! It gives me a new found RESPECT for single mamas and dadas everywhere!

*Weekend Update from the JA Ball! Lots of fun! Just a couple of pics.* The Sarge will be making an appearance in the doughnut hat but I will save that one for another day!

We had a wonderful time Friday night in The Burg! We got all dressed up and went to the Ball! We did miss Big Poppa and Lil Mama but next year they definitely will be there! Hubby and the Sarge are already planning some very special tuxes for next year! I won't remind either of them because I really don't wanna see hubby in a blue tux with ruffles! It would be funny, but those are not my peeps, they are my peeps, peeps, so I don't know how they would respond to "dumb and dumber" tuxes. But hey, there was a bird in disguise as a hat so...who knows, we will have to wait and see.

Again, I am too old to stay up until 4am drinking "Cooter Juice!" A friend of mine whose nickname is "Cooter" makes wine! (not moonshine-even though she is from TN:o) Apparently I thought it would be a good idea to taste it at 2:30am! Hubby and I drank the entire bottle! UGH. It is really good and I have already made requests for more. [Yes, Lil Mama- hubby was slightly seasick the next morning! TeeHee!] When we finally went to bed Hubby and I slept until 10am. I have not slept that late in years, literally!!
Don't worry my new peeps in the Burg, I have not talked about y'all yet, because I am still coming up with the perfect nicknames to protect the guilty, of course! If you have any ideas feel free to share!
Thanks for caring,


LazyCrazyMama November 19, 2008 at 1:51 PM  

Oh, would I love to be able to sleep past 8am! :)
Looks like you had a great time!!
You shouldn't feel guilty about sending your child to school...
You are lucky to have so much help nearby! :)

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Let me have it!! These shoulders are broad I can handle it!

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