Dear So and So....

 Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Kat across the pond does a weekly feature called "DEAR SO AND SO..." I wanted to participate but I am a wee bit late. Better late than never-right? Go check her out and read everyone else's letters.

Dear mosquitoes, gnats, fire ants, chiggers, and any other insect that bites,
My daughter is not your ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET!! I appreciate the fact that you are now leaving me alone, but come on, she is 2!! Not only does it make her miserable and cranky, it is so much fun for Mama. You must stop or I will not be held responsible for the arsenal of products that I will use to annihilate you!
Dear Audit Lady,
You made this morning not nearly as painful as it could have been.
Thanks from a fellow Golden Eagle,
Dear Manufacturers of "Children's Bug Bite Medicine,"
If it says children's don't you think it would be a wise idea for it not to sting the shit out of my child when I put the medicine on the bite?" Now she would rather have the boo-boo itch than put the medicine on.
Thanks for nothing,
Dear NetFlix,
You have succeeded in finding a niche with all of us parents who would rather cut out our own eyes then to have to chase a 2 year old around a store while trying to pick out a movie!!
Thanks for helping me keep the small sliver of sanity I have left,
Dear media,
Stop with all of the MJ coverage. I have seen more of him on the television in the past 10 days than I have in the past 10 years!!!
R.I.P. MJ,
Dear CBS,
Did you really have to bring back Jessie on BB11?
An almost ex-BB watcher,
Dear So and So...

Thanks for caring,


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Let me have it!! These shoulders are broad I can handle it!

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