Epic Fail

 Tuesday, June 28, 2011

So the sale on our house fell through. Not even going to pretend like I am okay, because I am not! I needed this in the worst possible way. I needed it so my family and I could actually have all of our belongings under one roof. Not part here at this apartment, part at my sister's from when we lived there, part still at our house and the rest in a storage unit!
I want to be able to settle in and establish a home for my kids and my husband. I want to be able to entertain in our home. I want a social life again.
Now we are back to square one. Ugh!
Here are the kids!

Thanks for caring,


Carrin June 29, 2011 at 9:53 AM  

So sorry to hear about the sale not going through. I know it can be really frustrating (been there). Keep your chin up. There is another family out there who will make your house their home.

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Let me have it!! These shoulders are broad I can handle it!

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