Happy Birthday to you....

 Wednesday, December 15, 2010

(All of the pics are from her birthday party except for one. Taken on our vacation this summer!)

Today my daughter turns 4! You know how everyone is all like "I can't believe that my child is so big, yada, yada, yada." Well, I can say that some days I can't believe that we made it to four and other days I cannot believe that we are only at four!
I honestly cannot believe that we all have made it to four still intact!! So far I don't think I've screwed her up too much. I guess I'll find out during her teenage years just the amount of damage I have done! Ha.

All kidding aside I am thrilled to death that I have a happy and healthy four year old daughter! She brings so much fun, laughter and of course some frustration into my life. My life would be very dull, boring, and quiet if she had not come into our lives! I am eternally grateful that The Big Man upstairs decided that we were ready to handle parenthood and gave us this ball of energy we call Taylor!
Thanks for caring,


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Let me have it!! These shoulders are broad I can handle it!

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