The Halloween one

 Thursday, November 1, 2012

Taylor picked out her costume this year and I think she did a very good job!

One of my favorites of my snow fairy.

Snow Fairy and Pirate

They had so much fun! Hubby had to work so my parents and my Sister came over to help with Trick or Treating. I kept O moving by giving him suckers. If he had a lollipop he would continue on to the next house.

Here are my kids with one of the neighbor kids. Snow fairy, devil, and pirate.

The End.
(Wish I knew why my pics are SO blurry)
Thanks for caring,
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The pumpkin patch one

 Saturday, October 20, 2012

We took the kids to get pumpkins today. It was loads of fun. Next year we will have to make it to a patch with games, mazes, etc.
oh, and I still don't have a costume for lil man. I need to get on that.
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The one about my day

 Thursday, October 18, 2012

Pap Smear- check
Mammogram- check
This was my day. How was yours?

Thanks for caring,
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The one about Hollywood Studios

 Monday, October 15, 2012

As you can see by O's red cheeks it was a HOT one!

Hollywood Studios was next on our list of places to see. We rode The Toy Story ride. Both kids enjoyed it. We ate lunch with Handy Manny, Oso, June, (from little einsteins), and Jake (from the never land pirates). O wanted nothing to do with the characters except June! Love him some girls. We ate dinner at the 50's Prime Time Cafe. Had a wonderful pork chop!

T with Buzz and Woody. I took T to see these guys while Hubby and O walked around and got beer.
Next up EPCOT!
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The one where I try to catch up

 Sunday, October 14, 2012


Here we are checking in to our hotel. We stayed at the Port Orleans Riverside. I wish I could tell you how it was, but we spent very little time in the room or at the hotel. It was nice though. We had a "princess" room. Princess Tiana- since she is from NOLA.
We went to Downtown Disney and ended the first night at the Magic Kingdom.

This was our first full day at the parks. Magic Kingdom was our destination for the day. We ate at the Crystal Palace for lunch with Winnie the Pooh and gang. O was NOT a fan. T LOVED it and got them all to sign her book. We ate dinner at the Grande Floridian with Cinderella. Prince Charming was there along with the fairy godmother and the two evil stepsisters.

Will finish soon. Buried under laundry.
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The one where we arrive

 Saturday, October 6, 2012

We have arrived. Originally we were going to drive almost all the way to Disney, stop and spend the night, then continue the next morning. Our kids we behaving so well that we went ahead and drove the entire 11 hours. We broke it up and stopped a couple of times to let the kids stretch their legs. All in all it went by pretty quick.
So we are here and we will be hitting the ground running tomorrow.

The kiddos before we left this morning. T has lalaloopsy head phones!

Thanks for caring,

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The one about nothing

 Thursday, October 4, 2012

Day 4.
I am packing for Disney as I type.
And I HATE to pack! I also over pack. I fall into the "what if" trap.
Before graduating college I had to do an internship to complete my degree. I moved to Orlando and worked at a Marriott Resort with the activities department. Some of the hardest work I have ever done. Very rarely did I NOT work 6 or 7 days a week. Sometimes it was fun- decorating and picking out costumes for Halloween, ordering prizes for pool parties, Super Bowl parties, and survivor nights. Sometimes it was not fun- getting yelled out because you cannot purchase Magic Kingdom tickets outside the park, dressing up as an Easter Bunny to deliver Easter baskets in 90 degree heat, being so busy at the boat house that it literally takes you 2.5 hours before you can put a straw in your drink.
Wow- veered off topic.
Anyway, we leave Saturday morning to go to the house of Mouse and I CANNOT wait! My mom has made shirts for the kids. Minnie with matching bows for T and Mickey with pirate scarfs for O. I already have a list of things that I want to bring home. Oh and it is also Food and Wine Fest at Epcot so we should be able to sample some good food and brews! I am starting to bore myself with all this Disney talk. Until tomorrow.
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The one about not working

 Wednesday, October 3, 2012

It is only day 3 in this 31 day challenge and I have already run out of things write/talk about.

This month marks 2 years since I have worked outside the home. And I can honestly say I do miss it. Well, i dont miss all the bullshit that comes along when working retail. I don't miss the snooty customers who thought they were better than you, or the terrible hours (night, weekends, holidays and even some overnights), or the associates who had never heard of customer service much less wanted to be good at it. And I definitely don't miss having to watch "guard" over the clothes so people would stop trying to steal them .
I do sometimes miss being a part of a team, having extra money, getting an AWESOME discount, keeping up with the latest trends, and helping others.
I think what I miss most is having something that was just mine. I was not someone's mother or someone's wife I was just Kelly and It was nice to be able to go to the bathroom by myself!! Ha.

One day I do hope to return to work, just not sure what I'll be doing. Hopefully I'll be able to figure it out before I need to start looking.
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The one about the ABC's of me

 Tuesday, October 2, 2012

ABC's of me
Apple- my favorite fruit- granny smith
Books- my favorite possessions
Cigarettes- filthy habit, but one I miss EVERY DAY!
Dr. Pepper- gift from God himself
Eileen- as is "Come on Eileen"- best song ever!!
French Fries- could eat them everyday.
Guess Who- great childhood game that I still enjoy playing.
H&M- store I wish would open up around me
Ice Skating- wish I could do more, but living in Louisiana does not offer many opportunities.
Jungle Juice- daiquiri of choice when I was 16
Kind- adjective I hope people will use to describe me when I'm gone. (definitely need some work)
Lemon- favorite smell in the kitchen.
Mom- hardest job I've ever had.
Nine- as in 90210 one of my favorite shows. The original of course. But I do watch the new version.
Owen-second born
Pop Corn- tied with French fries of my favorite food/snack
Q-Bert- never understood that game
Rhiannon- Fleetwood Mac song and my middle name that I gave to my daughter.
Silver-jewelry I wear the most
Taylor-first born
University of Southern Mississippi- where I graduated from college and met my husband and several of my best friends.
Vanilla Ice- one of my first CDs
White pants- clothing I wish I could wear without fear of staining them within 5mins of putting them on.
X-tra money. The one thing I miss about working.
Yellow- color I painted Taylor's nursery
Zebra- print that my daughter loves and I own nothing in.
Thanks for caring,
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The one about giving it a try

 Monday, October 1, 2012

I've seen in other blogs about 31 in 31. I guess they are gonna try "new" things in the next 31 days. So, I'm going to try my own 31 in 31. All I can commit to is to try and blog everyday for the next month. That's it plain and simple.

We are going to Disney next week and I am going to even post while there. It may just be a pic of our day, but I'll be putting something out there!
Hope you'll follow along.

Terrible picture, but it is my little family at the balloon festival in town.

Thanks for caring,

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